January 2022 Monthly Meeting
WHEN: January 12th from 11:30AM – 1:00PM
WHERE: Prestonwood Country Club, 300 Prestonwood Parkway, Cary, NC
COST: $30.00 In-Person/ $10.00 Virtual
There has never been a more challenging time to be in a mentor/mentee relationship. Especially if you have a traditional view of mentorship. It’s a big idea, and most of the time, the expectations and intended outcomes differ between the teacher and the learner. In this session, Doug Stewart (TEDx Speaker and author of 5 1/2 MENTORS) will help us discover a new way to think about and interact with mentorship. You may be surprised just how far and how fast you can grow alongside your mentor or mentee. That is, of course, if you’re willing to do the work.