June 2019 Monthly Meeting

WHEN: June 12th from 11:30AM – 1:00PM

WHERE:  PNC Arena, 1400 Edwards Mill Rd, Raleigh, NC

COST: $30.00

SPEAKER – Dr. Jolene Erlacher, Founder of Leading Tomorrow
TOPIC – Millennials & Generation Z in the Workplace


As Millennials (b. 1980-1995) begin taking management positions, and Gen Z (b. 1996-2012) begins entering the workforce, it is critical to understand generational characteristics, needs and desires. This program provides valuable insights into the key trends that have influenced each generation. Attendees will gain an understanding of generational strengths and differences, values and perspectives. Multigenerational teams can produce frustration as differing worldviews, work habits, and expectations collide. They also hold the potential for great innovation, growth, and effectiveness. This program provides valuable insights into generational expectations and presents strategic tools to help leaders and managers retain and empower team members of all ages!

Registration Deadline – Friday, June 7, 2019