Dear GTC IFMA members,

Here is what’s been on my mind for the upcoming month: by Merriam-Webster’s definition, it’s a person or an organization that pays for or plans and carries out a project or activity; usually in return for advertising time during its course.  In other words, SPONSORSHIP. That definition makes it sound kind of cut and dried, doesn’t it?  But it’s so much more!

First of all, a big THANK YOU to our 2017-2018 sponsors…it’s been a great year!  And to those of you that have already renewed or signed up for the 2018-2019 year, THANK YOU, we have another great year coming up!  For those of you who are still “thinking about it”, please join us!  There are several ways to contribute; we even have categories for Professional Members and Individuals, as well as opportunities to sponsor specific events.

What’s in it for the Associate Member sponsor?  Sponsorship provides the choice of several levels with branding opportunities, identification at meetings/events, spotlights and recognition, and the chance to get to know other members at a variety of events that are a bit more low-key than our bi-monthly meetings.

What’s in it for our Professional Members?  Besides the tours and socials, you mean?!  The sponsorship program provides professional development opportunities, innovative programs and the chance to get to know the suppliers and service providers that we can depend upon when we need them because we know them.

You can learn more about how sponsorship works for all of our members by visiting our website or by simply opening the email you’ve received from GTC of IFMA Sponsorship.  Good news!  We’ve just extended the deadline for responses to August 17, 2018.

What other words mean “sponsorship”? Merriam Webster listed these synonyms: Auspices, Backing, Patronage, and Encouragement.  What better way to say that we’re all in this together!

Cris Karasek
ident 2018-2019