February 2025 President’s Message

President’s Message – February I hope your year is off to a great start! January was an exciting month for our chapter, and I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible engagement we’ve already seen in 2025. Our January Lunch Meeting, featuring Jamie Valvano, set the tone for the year by [...]

January 2025 President’s Message

Happy New Year! As we turn the page to 2025, I want to take a moment to reflect on the achievements of our Chapter over the past year and share my excitement for what’s to come. By all accounts, 2024 was a successful year for our organization, and I am very grateful to each of [...]

August 2024 President’s Message

Just when Kellie thought her term as President was over, my child's arrival threw a wrench into my plans to lead our July lunch meeting. As a result, Kellie had to step up and handle things one last time. Although attending our swearing-in ceremony via Zoom wasn’t ideal, I was thrilled to hear about [...]

June 2024 President’s Message

"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June." --Lucy Maud Montgomery June is almost always perfect here in North Carolina, and as we transition into the summer months, it is also a time of transition for our Board. It has truly been my pleasure serving as [...]

May 2024 President’s Message

FORE! I could have used that phrase many times at our 26th Annual Golf Tournament… LOL. We had another great turnout, and the weather cooperated for the most part. The passing shower did not put a damper on our networking, fundraising, and fun. I truly appreciate all the efforts of the golf committee and volunteers [...]

April 2024 President’s Message

Welcome Spring! Now that we have endured the season of pollenating, and hopefully this past week's round of showers has washed away the yellow, I am ready for some spring weather and some great upcoming events. The turnout in support of the Boys and Girls Club this year at March Madness was outstanding. I [...]

March 2024 President’s Message

ROAR! We are coming in like a lion after a busy February. I hope you were able to attend some or all the great events we held in the last few weeks. I’m so glad we brought back the virtual wine tasting. Looking ahead, I am excited for the Madness of March. This year [...]

February 2024 President’s Message

Folks, We have reached the point of the year when a furry little guy named Phil leaves his luxurious burrow in the Punxsutawney library to greet visitors and share his knowledge of future weather events. If only we could use rodents to predict other facets of our lives, like how much longer a building’s [...]

January 2024 President’s Message

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope all of you enjoyed a happy, safe, and healthy holiday season with family and friends. As we dive into 2024, I am excited about the great things we have planned for the chapter.  Just before the end of the year we held our first joint committee meeting, and I [...]

December 2023 President’s Message

As we roll into the holiday season, I want to pause for a moment and be thankful - thankful for all of our members. We had an amazing time at our Membership Appreciation event held at the Angus Barn Pavilion. I appreciate all that participated in our sports team theme, and I’m relieved that [...]

November 2023 President’s Message

BOO! The month of October was “Good, Scary Good”! We kicked off the month with our annual Bingo for Bones event at Montague Lake, and the weather could not have been more perfect. This year we were able to raise over $4,000 for our local animal rescue partners. This chili was tasty, and the [...]

October 2023 President’s Message

WOW! September flew by this year! If you blinked, you might have missed it. Hopefully you did not miss out on our great events this month. The highlight of this month has been our first ever Boys and Girls Club Work Week event. The chapter truly came together to make this event a success, [...]

September 2023 President’s Message

Sadly summer is coming to a close, and school is about to be back in session or already is for some of you. But on the bright side we have a fun fall in store. Aside from football, pumpkin spice, and cooler temperatures, we have some great programs lined up. Kicking those off, on [...]

August 2023 President’s Message

Wow has this summer been HOT! Hopefully you are enjoying ways to cool off and relax with family and friends as we progress through the summer. We kicked off our journey of “Growing Forward” with our July meeting where the Board and your Committee Chairs shared a year in review and goals for this [...]

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