March 2023 President’s Message

March is here, and I cannot believe how fast 2023 is going.  In just over a week, we are having our 4th Annual IFMA Carolinas Summit and Gala in Charlotte. For those of you who have signed up, I look forward to seeing you there as it is going to be a great event. [...]

February 2023 President’s Message

With the 2023 year underway, we have had a lot of activity with the Chapter.  As mentioned last month, we have the next 4-5 months planned out for Chapter meetings and events. Well done Programs Committee! As a reminder on Wednesday February 8th, we have Ron Staley speaking on Adaptive Reuse - Lessons Learned in the [...]

December 2022 President’s Message

They say time flies when you are having fun and 2022 has certainly flown by. Last month we had our Annual Member Appreciation Event at The Angus Barn, and what a great turnout. It was a pleasure to see everyone and thank you to all of our sponsors because without you we wouldn't be [...]

November 2022 President’s Message

This year is flying by, and I can’t believe it is November already.  With the holidays right around the corner, this is the busiest time of year for many of us.  In October, we had two amazing events. First was Coffee and Credentials where we had over 30 participants interested in information on IFMA’s [...]

September 2022 President’s Message

I can’t believe it is September already, and for those of us who are football fans, life is about to get better-Go Wolfpack! In August, we had Anna Javellana, Addicted to Busy, as our guest speaker, and it was well received. Our next event is scheduled for September 15th from 4:00p to 6:00pm and is a [...]

August 2022 President’s Message

What a great meeting last week! We had 60 members and 10 guests in attendance, which is fantastic! I hope you learned something about the chapter operations and goals for the upcoming year.  As the sponsorship campaign is wrapping up soon, thank you to those who have trusted us by providing financial support to [...]

July 2022 President’s Message

As I look back over the past two years and see how our lives have changed and more specifically how the GTC of IFMA has changed, I am truly amazed at the resilience and commitment that our chapter has shown.  We have gone from all virtual meetings, to limited capacity meetings, to breakfast and lunch [...]

June 2022 President’s Message

This year has flown by and during my time in this role, I have learned so much about IFMA, our members, my colleagues on the Board, the committees, and myself. In my first President's Message, I mentioned the chapter was like a car that had been sitting idle in the garage for a few years [...]

May 2022 President’s Message

What a great golf event we had a week ago. The weather was perfect and the company even better. I saw a lot of familiar faces and some new faces. Our membership numbers continue to grow. The growth is a testament to the community and robust network we’ve built over time. The chapter will continue [...]

April 2022 President’s Message

It’s been a long two years since March 2020, when the first Covid cases were reported in the Triangle. As mask mandates have lifted across the Triangle, I hope that we’ve turned the corner. Since March 2020, our membership base shrunk from 249 to a low of 199 in February 2021. As of the end [...]

March 2022 President’s Message

March seems to be associated with bad things. There’s the Ides of March, March Madness, Leprechaun pranks, the start of Daylight Savings Time (yes, you lose an hour in your day), and two years ago, COVID. But for all the mischievous things that March brings, it’s also a time for new beginnings. We’re beginning to [...]

February 2022 President’s Message

One of the guiding principles for this fiscal year is education. The next few months will present many unique learning opportunities for our members. Did you know that you have access to free educational offerings from IFMA National as an IFMA member? Through the platform, all members have access to Introduction to Facility Management. For Associate Members, [...]

January 2022 President’s Message

The page has turned on 2021, and everyone is eagerly greeting 2022.  With a fresh start, you might have new goals you want to achieve. Below are a few examples of how the chapter can help you achieve what may be on your list of New Year’s Resolutions. Resolution #1 – I will be more involved [...]

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