One of the guiding principles for this fiscal year is education. The next few months will present many unique learning opportunities for our members.

Did you know that you have access to free educational offerings from IFMA National as an IFMA member? Through the platform, all members have access to Introduction to Facility Management. For Associate Members, the training can be valuable to help you understand the primary responsibilities of a facility manager. You can learn to speak the same language and provide additional value to your customers. If you’re new to FM, taking the course will help you understand the 11 core competencies of facilities management.

We officially launched our mentorship program at the last in-person meeting. Doug Stewart talked about the various mentors you will encounter in your life, and our newsletter highlighted the pilot participants. As Doug mentioned, mentorship goes both ways; the mentor and the mentee get something from the partnership. Through the relationship, you both learn something new. So, no matter what stage of your career you are in, we’d love to help you get paired with a mentor or a mentee.

We’re excited to bring the CFM prep course back to the chapter. We have a lot of talented Professional Members, and what better way to recognize their skills than to help them prepare to pass the CFM exam (fingers crossed). We will have some sponsorship opportunities available for the prep course, so if you are an Associate Member who wants to help support the education of our professional members, please reach out to Angel Bond to learn more about the opportunities available for this event.

Lastly, we have a lot of talented Associate Members in the chapter. The Professional Members rely on their expertise to provide solutions to our challenges. Keep an eye out in the coming year. We will craft some programs that will lean heavily on that expertise to help educate our members.

Travis Dodson
American Board of Pediatrics
President 2021-2022