Sadly summer is coming to a close, and school is about to be back in session or already is for some of you. But on the bright side we have a fun fall in store. Aside from football, pumpkin spice, and cooler temperatures, we have some great programs lined up.

Kicking those off, on August 9th we had a great monthly meeting by Dhaval Gajjar, PhD, FMP, SFP. His “Data, Data, Data” presentation gave us multiple examples of capturing, maneuvering, and reporting data. A key factor was vendor identification based on price, level of expertise, risk mitigation, and value added. As Facility and Project Managers, we manage vendors daily, and some of Dhaval’s techniques could prove instrumental in creating efficiency and time/cost savings on our projects.

Thank you again to all our sponsors both new and continuing. Our Communications Committee is working diligently to update our promotional materials to properly recognize you all for your partnerships with the chapter.

DON’T FORGET… We have a great NEW event coming up the week of September 18th with our Boy and Girls Club Work week. Be sure to sign up if you haven’t already or reach out to the Community Outreach Committee for more details.

And finally…I look forward to collaborating with those of you attending World Workplace in Denver at the end of September. It’s events like these that allow our chapter to keep “Growing Forward” by sharing best practices with our counterparts across the country.

Kellie Renzi

McDonald York Building Company

President 2023-2024