Greetings Chapter Members,

Spring is definitely in the air.  Spring reminds us of new life and new beginnings, positive and constructive change and movement in the right direction.  The famous adage ‘Spring Cleaning’, ‘Spring Forward’, ‘Spring Into Action’, all feed off this great time of year.

Three key messages from me this month:

1)      SPRING

Use Spring as a time to revisit your personal and professional lives.  What is your roadmap?  How are you tracking to that?  Do you have this written down?  Can someone at IFMA help you?  Have you reached out and asked? If not, do it!  This is the time when we get to reflect on how things are going, readjust, recalibrate, refocus, reenergize and continue moving forward in a better way, a faster way and a stronger way.

This month the board and committees are reflecting on their teams, their organizational structures, their goals, the progress made, and the changes that need to occur.  We will be taking the time to begin the process of change so that we can serve you better next year.


If you have not already, you should have seen an email from Laura Shaw with a request to take the Chapters Annual Survey.  It’s very important to us if you make a few minutes to take this.  Your voice reflected in this annual survey allows us to create a strategy and plan for the upcoming year that will maximize the value of your membership.  Thank you!


It is my great pleasure to announce the almost official new board (they will be official after the swearing-in ceremony).

Future President:            Laura Ann Shaw
Future Vice President:   Randy Rabon
Future Secretary:            Carol Carter
Future Treasurer:            Hayden James

We have a very strong and diverse set of skills and experience in this new board and I have no doubt that they will take this chapter to great new heights.  Please take a moment to congratulate them when you can.

Sincerely, Neville