Hello Everyone!
I am excited about the coming year and our determination to make a good thing even better! We will continue to focus upon celebrating and helping to grow the Facility Manager Professional and surrounding them with the tools they need to excel.
The past year did go by quickly, but wanted to make sure you all knew what a great team we had and the many hours worked to make it so. In particular, Laura Shaw was a workaholic on our behalf. It’s true that she contributed many hours on behalf of our Chapter, but they would not have been so effective were it not for her experience, shrewdness, and common sense, as a result of being involved over many years. I must confess that I would not be comfortable in the President’s role without Laura right beside me. She’s awesome!
Likewise, Neville Devlaliwalla was a super Past President and challenged our thinking with wise insight and counsel. Hayden James has done an outstanding job as Treasurer and I value his professional and life experience dearly. Carol Carter works diligently on so many fronts and has good insight on tough issues. Dianne Brindisi, a long time active and hardworking member of GTC of IFMA, will be our Vice President. She is already running hard generating action plans on a number of issues and committees. I would run out of space acknowledging the valuable work that the Committee Chairs, Co-Chairs, and Committee members contributed.
I am particularly excited that the Past Presidents’ Council has approached me about being very active this year. To name a couple, they will provide leadership with assisting the updating of our by-laws and continue to look at succession planning.
I will end by saying what I say virtually every time I am afforded the opportunity to speak. Please don’t sit on the sidelines. The magic is that by joining a committee and being involved, you receive the full benefit of learning new things and making new friends. I speak for all of the officers and committee leaders in telling you that we are honored to serve you and hope to be transparent and approachable in every regard.
Randy Rabon President 2015-2016