Dear GTC IFMA members,

Last month’s message took a look back at the IFMA Greater Triangle Chapter’s accomplishments in 2018…here, at the beginning of 2019, let’s take a look forward.

I’m one of those people who makes New Year’s resolutions; I write them down, I re-visit them throughout the year, and I even change them sometimes to suit new circumstances.

Our Greater Triangle Board does much the same thing! Instead of January 1, we start in May at the Board’s Planning Retreat.  We set goals instead of resolutions and re-visit them throughout the year to make sure they’re still relevant.

We judge relevancy by the feedback we get from our members.  We welcome constructive criticisms and member suggestions and aspire to act on those that we think will benefit the chapter.  This year we’ve resolved to ask you for more input on our programs and tours, especially if you have personal experience with either the topic or the facility.

To accomplish this, we’ll need to ramp up our methods of communication.  But we don’t want that to entail yet more email! Instead, we hope to contact you on a more personal basis…with topic driven interest groups, phone calls, and quick opportunities to just say “Hey, what’s your opinion?”.  You can always opt out if you’re busy, but we hope these tactics will help with member engagement.

One of our most exciting “resolutions” from last year was to change the location of our luncheon meetings.  We can check that one off the list:  our January meeting will be held at PNC Arena…the old has become new again and we’re happy to be back.  Please join us!

On behalf of myself and the GTC Board, we wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!

Cris Karasek
President 2018-2019